Which is The True Religion?Odyssey

Which is The True Religion?

An Odyssey
There shall be no coercion in the matters of Faith. Distinct has now become the right way form error: He throws filth of disbelief on those who do not use their intellect.
Relation of human beings to God or the gods or to whatever they consider sacred or, in some cases, merely supernatural is known is ‘religions’. Worship is probably the most basic element of religion, but moral conduct, right belief, and participation in religious institutions also constitute elements of the religious life. Religions attempt to answer basic questions intrinsic to the human condition (Why do we suffer? Why is there evil in the world? What happens to us when we die?) Through the relationship to the sacred or supernatural or through perception of the true nature of reality. Broadly speaking, some religions (e.g., Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) are outwardly focused, and others (e.g., Jainism, Buddhism) are inwardly focused. If you are looking for "The True Religion", regrettably you may not accept a straight answer, unless you are convinced. This article is just to assist you to discover the ‘True Religion’ yourself by considering different methods including the use of your intellect.
"True religion is not about possessing the truth. No religion does that. It is rather an invitation into a journey that leads one toward the mystery of God. Idolatry is religion pretending that it has all the answers." [Bishop J.S. Spong "Q&A on The Parliament of the World's Religions," weekly mailing, 5Sep 2007].
"...just because you don't bow on your knees and worship an idol or an invisible being, does not mean you are not a Satan worshiper. The worship of any other god (s) is the same thing. There are no other gods. They are demons and Satan is in control of them."[From the website www.exposingsatanism.org]
"Yes, Christianity is the one true religion. That may sound awfully dogmatic and narrow-minded, but the simple truth is that Christianity is the only true religion. Jesus said that He alone was the way to the Father (John;14:6), that He alone revealed the Father (Matt;11:27; Luke;10:22). Christians do not go around saying Christianity is the only way because they are arrogant, narrow-minded, stupid, and judgmental. They do so because they believe what Jesus said."  [Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry (CARM)].
[P.S: Jesus Christ also prophesized about the comforter (prophet, not the Holy Ghost, as he was already present Luke;3:22): “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.”(John;16:7);“that he may abide with you for ever;”(John14:16)” he shall testify of me:”(John;15:26). Jesus was the way to the Father but once he is gone, the comforter will be the way to God. It will be more appropriate to state that the original unambiguous teachings of Jesus Christ contain and indicate the way to true religion]
How many religions are there in the world from which to locate the "true" one?
According to David Barrett and team, there are 19 major world religious groupings in the world which are subdivided into a total of about 10,000 distinct religions. Of the latter, there were 270 religions and para-religions which had over a half million adherents in the year 2000 CE. Within Christianity, they have identified 34,000 separate groups (denominations, sects, individual unaffiliated churches, para-church groups, etc) in the world. "Over half of them are independent churches that are not interested in linking with the big denominations." 1
Even considering a single religion, Christianity, within a single country, there are often thousands of individual "Christian confessions and denominations." For example, Barrett et al states that there are:
·     4,684 groups in the U.S.
·     3,364 in South Africa.
·     2,079 in Nigeria.
·     1,581 in Brazil.
·     1,327 in South-central Asia.
Among other English-speaking countries, there are:
·     828 groups in the UK.
·     469 in Canada.
·     267 in Australia
·     175 in New Zealand. 2
Differences in the beliefs and practices of various faith groups:
Probably the one area where religions differ the most is over the ‘Nature of Deity’. Various groups teach Agnosticism, Animism, Atheism, Strong Atheism, Deism, Duotheism, Henotheism, Monism, Monotheism, Panentheism, Pantheism, Polytheism, the Trinity, and probably some others that we have missed.
Perhaps the next greatest range of beliefs are about the ‘Fate Of People After Death’: whether there is simple annihilation, some form of energy-less existence as taught by the ancient Hebrews, Purgatory as taught by the Roman Catholic Church, Heaven or Paradise as taught by Islam and some religions, Hell which is also taught by many faiths, Limbo, reincarnation, transmigration of the soul, nirvana, an alternative world much like Earth, and probably some other places or states that we have missed.
There is also a great range of beliefs and practices among different religions over other theological beliefs, ritual, organization, family structure, personal sexual behavior, and other topics. For example, differences exist on matters such as: abortion access, adult celibacy, animal sacrifices. appearance factors (shaving, jewelry), birth control usage, calendar, clergy celibacy, clergy gender, clergy organization, meeting day, documentation, family power sharing, family types, gender of deities, homosexual rights, meeting place, nature of deities, nature of humanity, new year date, number of deities, origin of the universe, prayer, pre-marital sex, role of women, sacred texts, suicide, surgical modifications to the body, special clothing, symbols, etc.
To our knowledge, though some religions may teach the same basic message (like monotheistic Abrahamic faiths; Judaism, Christianity and Islam) but tend to differ in interpretations and interpolation (like Trinity in Christianity) and practices among their followers. One would be hard pressed to find two faith groups within the same religion which have identical teachings and practices. If a "true religion" exists, then it would probably have to be one or a few faith groups within one of the 10,000 religions. All of the other religions and faith groups would be in error.
What do faith groups teach about their own status?
Most religious groups teach that their own beliefs and practices are the only true set, and that all other faith groups contain some degree of error. For example, the largest single faith group in the U.S., in Canada, and in the world is the Roman Catholic Church. According to the Times News Service, a year 2000 statement by the Church titled "Dominus Iesus" implies that "Churches such as the Church of England, where the apostolic succession of bishops from the time of St. Peter is disputed by Rome, and churches without bishops, are not considered 'proper' churches." Only the Roman Catholic Church and the EasternOrthodoxChurches are "churches in the proper sense." They suffer from "defects." Dominus Iesus further states that religions other than Christianity are considered to be "gravely deficient." Their rituals can constitute "an obstacle to salvation" for their followers. 3,4
Other faith groups are either more inclusive or more exclusive than the Roman Catholic Church regarding the "truth" status of other faith groups.
Islam does not claim to be a new faith, but revival of faith of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Jesus through the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all) for all the humanity till eternity. The message is well preserved with in human nature and physically in the form of Qur’an which remains untainted. Islam (total surrender to the will of God) is part of nature of every human being like an instinct. Who has taught the newly born child to cry when hungry and to suckle the mother’s breast for milk? The natural instinct is gradually veiled under the influence of negative environments. However the inner truth tends to emerge when ever man is exposed to the positive influence. Any one making use of his intellect can then stabilize to attain firmness in the true faith in One God, the foundation of faith which is characterized by three main aspects, firstly; God is the Cherisher and the creator of the Universe and all that it holds; Secondly God alone is the Master of this world and He alone can make modifications in it as He wishes. Thirdly God alone is worthy of worship, He has no associates and there is no one besides him to be worshipped.
Which, then, is the true religion?
Because religions are so different, only one could be the "true religion." Within the "true religion" there may be more than one faith group that are sufficiently accurate in their beliefs and practices that all could qualify as "true." The problem is how to find out which religion and which faith groups have this status.
Some methods of determining the "true" religion are:
Conduct an opinion poll: Unfortunately, beliefs differ around the world:
·     In Saudi Arabia, the government claims that 100% of the population is Muslim. So there is probably a very high probability that a given citizen picked at random would firmly believe Islam is the true religion and that theirs is the true faith group.
·     India is about 80% Hindu. There is a very high probability that any given citizen believes that their tradition with Hinduism is the true religion.
·     The U.S. is about 75% Christian. The population in the American "Bible belt" is significantly higher than that. There is a very high probability that any given citizen in South Carolina, for example, believes that their denomination within Christianity is the true religion.
It is obvious that one's personal beliefs about the true religion is largely a function of the country in which one happens to have been born, the area of that country, and the beliefs of one's parent(s):
If Jerry Falwell had been born in Saudi Arabia of Muslim parents, and obtained his religious education in that country, there is a near certainty that he would be promoting Islam today.
If the late Sheikh Mohamed Mutwali al-Sharawilittle of Egypt, who was called "The Arab world's best known television preacher of the Holy Qur'an," had been born and raised by Southern Baptists in Dallas, TX, that he would almost certainly have promoted Christianity.
One's personal beliefs and the certainty with which one holds them is an unreliable measure of truth, because they are largely determined by one's culture and the faith of one's parents -- both largely accidents of birth. So, an opinion poll might show what people’s beliefs are. But it would not be helpful in locating the "true" faith group.
[P.S: However there are large number of exceptions like: Yousaf Estates, Philip, Morgan, Muhammad Asad (a German, Jews) born and brought up in Christian, families, some priests, were exposed to Islam, once convinced through rational studies they became preachers of Islam. It is not common in reverse order].
Pray to God 5 and ask to be enlightened. The founder of the Mormon movement, Joseph Smith, did precisely this. Mormons believe that God and Jesus Christ appeared to him side by side, and told him that none of the then existing Christian denominations were the true religion. He was instructed to create a new denomination to restore Christianity to its first century CE purity before it fell into heresy.
This method appears to be unreliable. When people pray to God for enlightenment, most seem to conclude that their own religion and faith group is the true one. If people could access the will of God on this matter, then a vast majority of the world's population -- the folks who pray -- would realize that their faith group was not the true one. They would gradually migrate to the true religion. There would eventually be only one religion and one tradition within that religion left standing. Otherwise, people would be rejecting the will of God. All the other 11,000 religions and their tens of thousands of denominations or traditions would be phased out.
The OCRT, the group that sponsors this web site, conducted a pilot study to determine whether a person can assess the will of God through prayer. We used a controversial topic: whether God favors same-sex marriage for homosexuals and some bisexuals. The answer that we found was that people appear to be unable to assess the will of God through prayer.
[P.S: Probably they forgot to consult history, scriptures and the natural human instincts none of which favour such unnatural acts. Along with prayer one also has to use his intellect and endeavour to reach out to the truth, he/she will not be disappointed].
Communication from God: God could initiate a direct communication to humanity. In order to be convincing, it would have to be totally unambiguous, clear and convincing. One example might be for God to rearrange a few thousand stars to spell out in the evening sky the name of the true religion. Unfortunately, at least within the Judeo-Christian traditions, God seems to be progressively withdrawing from humanity. He walked in person with Adam and Eve. Later, he only appeared in rare occasions as at Mount Sinai. Still later, he communicated with humans only through prophets. Most Christians believe that Jesus Christ is God and walked among humans in first century CE Palestine. However, he was seen by only a miniscule percentage of the human race. Now, access to God is through prayer. Unless God were to take the initiative, it appears that there is no way for humans to determine which religion is "true."
[P.S: We believe in so many things as facts, though not physically felt or seen, like atom and its particles, historic figures like Alexander the Great. The reliability of source of information or narrative is considered adequate, but in case of God we fail to see His signs all around the universe and our own self: “..We spell out Our signs for those who think”(Qur’an;10:24). The uncorrupted scripture is available for the guidance of humanity; one just has to ponder over it!]
The Rationale Way to Discover True Faith:
God has blessed humanity with some thing, not available to other physical creature as known to us; it is the ‘Power of Knowledge and Intellect’. The instincts are granted to all animals but not the ‘intellect’, the exclusive quality granted to humans. Hence we observe that birds make and use the nest as it has been doing since millions of years. The humanity has traveled a long way to reach the present state of scientific development which continues. The rationale thought is required to discover the true religion. One has to properly understand the terms like ‘Doubt’, “Presumption” and ‘Knowledge’.7
Descartes (1596-1650); the renowned French philosopher and mathematician, and, before him Ghazali (1058-111) in his book "Savior from Misguidance" both chose ‘DOUBT’ as a point of departure for their inquiry into certainty. In fact, Descartes: used ‘Doubt’ as a means to reach certainty. So what do we mean by ‘Doubt’? If someone were to ask you while you were staying in the centre of a city, that whether it was raining in the suburbs? You would be unable to reply, even though the suburbs may be re only few Kilometers away. You would have no definite evidence one way or the other. And this is the case with the ‘concept of doubt’. You can make a guess, but you cannot be 100% sure.
However, if you were to look into the distance and see some clouds you might be inclined to say: "It looks as if it is raining in the suburbs." This means that it's very likely that it is raining, and this possibility regarding the existence of something, is known as 'Presumption'. Should you take a further look and notice that the rain clouds are quite thick and heavy, and also see a flash of lightning, your presumption regarding the possibility of rain increases and your response to the original question will be more positive. At this point you might well reply: "I’m inclined to think it's raining in the suburbs now."
But if you were to go into the suburbs and actually see the rain falling, your presumption would become a certainty. And this is what scholars term as "Knowledge’. If we examine the various meanings of the word ‘knowledge' we see that firstly we have 'absolute knowledge' as opposed to ignorance. Knowledge also embraces science in contrast to the arts and philosophy. For example, physics and chemistry are both sciences whereas art and poetry belong to the domain of the arts. In the context of science where the ultimate goal of knowledge is to seek the truth, the intellect is used as a tool to achieve this aim. The methods adopted are 'inquiry’, 'experiment' and "deduction’. In the case of the arts, it is concerned with the appreciation of beauty. Its means are perception and consciousness while a good taste is instrumental to success in it. Definition of Faith needs no proof. We intend to discuss that knowledge which in contrast to doubt and presumption stands for certainty and positiveness. This knowledge is of two kinds:
Obvious Knowledge:
It is the Knowledge gained through the senses and observations need no proof. For example there is a mountain before you which does not need any proof. You see it there and it exists. Every san person who sees it will admit of its existence. Its presence is the proof of its existence. This knowledge is called essential or axiomatic knowledge.
Theoretical Knowledge:
It is that knowledge which requires proof. For example the formula that the sum of squares of base and height o a right angled triangle is equal to the square of its hypotenuse; is something which requires proof. Any scholar or a student who finds the proof of that will know the fact and will admit it. But an ignorant illiterate person will not know it and will not accept it until he is given vivid proof of that even though the triangle along with squares on its sides are placed before his yes. This knowledge is known as ‘Theoretical Knowledge’ that is the knowledge which cannot be acquired without proof.
Self Evident Truth and Creed:
Some theoretical knowledge needs proof because it cannot be perceived merely by logic and observation. Nevertheless, it is common and popular knowledge of which everyone, regardless of age or education, is aware. Such knowledge almost falls into the category of essential knowledge. For example: "A part is smaller than the whole" is a theoretical statement, but, although the category of theoretical knowledge basically needs to be proved, you will hardly find anyone who doubts this statement or needs evidence of it. Even a child will accept it. If you were, for example, to take a bar of chocolate from a child and give him back just a small piece, telling him that the piece you have returned is bigger than the bar of chocolate, he would not be convinced and would not accept it. This is because it is self-evident that any part of any thing is smaller than its whole.
The statement regarding identity-that is, that everything has an identity of its own, is also a self evident truth. If someone were to ask you to prove that the pen you were holding was not a teaspoon, you would respond by saying: "That's quite obvious and doesn't need any proof!" So these self evident truths are obvious facts which everyone acknowledges - facts that do not need proof. And when a self evident truth enters the inner consciousness and establishes itself there, it creates an impact on intuition and all aspects of behaviour - and is known as faith. Belief in it is known as Faith. However, we all know that although people often believe in truth, more often than not they believe in ‘untrue’ ideologies. Nowadays there are many people with misleading principles not based on truth, and these groups have attracted a lot of ardent followers who sacrifice all they have for the sake; of these groups. Such people cannot be regarded as believers; in the absolute meaning of the word. Hence man has to make an endeavor through pragmatic approach to discover the true faith.
Islam:Some Rationale  Arguments:
Muslims claim that the Prophet of Islam made a number of notable predictions which have been recorded in the books of Traditions (Hadith)8. One of the best known is that, in the final phase of human life on earth, the word of Islam will reach all human beings inhabiting this world. In other words, future times will see the intellectual ascendancy of Islam. However, if the word of God is to be brought into every home, conditions must exist which will favour the success of such a mission. Without such conditions no such goal can be reached. Fortunately, recent studies show that as a result of revolutions occurring over the last several years, conditions now exist which are more conducive than ever to the communication of the Islamic message. That process having been set in motion, people from different communities have begun embracing Islam in countries all over the world.
The communication of the message of God has certainly been going on in every age. But now modern circumstances (advancement in technology and knowledge) have made it possible for this task to be performed with a greater degree of efficacy than ever before, and on a truly universal scale. Some rationalistic and scientific aspects are mentioned:
Proof of the Existence of God:
Rationalists have habitually attempted to deny the existence of God by asking, "If God created the universe, who created God?" Now, as we are at the beginning of the 21st century, it has become possible to answer this question on a purely rational level. This new possibility arises out of the ‘Big Bang’ theory, which has now gained general acceptance among cosmologists. With the big bang theory, we have necessarily to accept a ‘First Cause’ underlying the creation of the universe. That is, if there were no cause, the universe would not have existed. It has made it possible to tell the rationalists that all along they have been giving their attention to a wrong set of options. In their view, a choice had to be made between a universe with God and a universe without God, whereas the real choice was between a ‘universe with God’ and ‘no universe at all’. Since we cannot opt for a non-existent universe, we are compelled to choose the universe with God.
Validity of Inferential Argument:      
To prove Islamic belief in the unseen world, the theologians have so far used inferential argument. That is, they suppose an unknown reality on the basis of a known reality. The rationalists' view of this argument was that its method was academically invalid, as it was based on the principle of indirect argument. They demanded to be given an argument of a direct nature. Only then would they accept it.
In this matter as in material matters the river of science has been flowing in favour of Islam. The above objection had apparently carried weight in the days when the study of science was macro-cosmic in scope. But as soon as scientific research began to delve into the microcosmic world, the balance tipped in favour of inferential argument. For it was revealed that the deeper realities of nature itself were those which did not come under the sphere of direct argument. For instance, the establishment of the existence of oxygen or X-rays is arrived at by indirect or inferential argument. Modern philosophers, such as Bertrand Russell, have demonstrated that inferential argument is as valid as the direct argument.
That is why, in science itself, inferential argument is held to be valid. Without it, scientific study could not be continued in the microcosmic world. In this way, a new chapter on unseen realities has been opened for the preachers.
A non-believer well versed with science raised the question about ‘the set of criteria’ to establish the existence of God? It is the same criteria on which the questioner himself relied. It is well known that the scientific concepts are proved by means of inferential argument. So when inferential argument is valid in non-religious fields, it will certainly be valid in the field of religion.
Historical Credibility of the Qur'an:
In the present time, all manner of things, including religious scriptures, are being subjected to investigation in the spirit of free inquiry. A permanent discipline has been set up for this special study, called ‘Historical Criticism’, or ‘Higher Criticism’. Under this general heading, all great religious scriptures, including the Qur'an and the Bible, have been subjected to historical inquiry.
The results of these studies are entirely in favour of the Qur'an. They show that the Qur'an is the only religious scripture which is a historically accredited work. The rest of the books, having been shown to be dogmatic rather than historical, have lost their formal status as purveyors of eternal truth. Such research has provided a new and powerful argument in favour of Qur’anic veracity. That is to say, it is only the Qur'an which enjoys historical credibility. No other religious scripture is of similar merit. This scientific discovery has brought Islam to the position of undisputed victory, for no other religion is capable of facing this academic test.
Scientific Verification:
In ancient times, superstitious notions about every object of nature were given great credence, as is evident from the literature of those days. Now in modern times, when nature has been scientifically studied, many ancient concepts have been discredited. Books written in the pre-scientific age are now suspect as belonging to the age of superstition. Even religious scriptures have not emerged unscathed, for the periodic interpolation of superstitious notions has reduced them to the level of non-sacred literature.
The Qur'an, on the contrary, being a preserved book, is exceptionally free from such apocryphal additions. There are numerous references to nature in the Qur'an, but none of these descriptions clashes with facts discovered by science. After making a study of several such statements enshrined in the Qur'an, the famous French scholar Dr Maurice Bucaille concludes:
“In view of the level of knowledge in Muhammad's day, it is inconceivable that many of the statements in the Qur'an which are connected with science could have been the work of a man. It is, moreover, perfectly legitimate, not only to regard the Qur'an as the expression of a Revelation, but also to award it a very special place, on account of the guarantee of authenticity it provides and the presence in it of scientific statements which, when studied today, appear as a challenge to explanation in human terms”.
Passing Modern Tests:
New methods to determine the antiquity of ancient objects have been evolved in modern times. One of these, called ‘Carbon Dating’ (or radio-carbon dating), was developed just after the Second World War. It gave the stamp of credibility to many facts which had hitherto remained unauthenticated. It was applied in one famous instance to a mummified body, believed to be that of Merneptah, a contemporary of Moses. The mummy, discovered by Professor Loret in one of Egypt's pyramids, did amazingly prove to date back to the time of Moses, when subjected to this new technique of dating.
This same method of carbon dating was applied to the Shroud of Turin, an old linen cloth bearing the imprint of a human face always thought to be the covering in which Christ was wrapped after his crucifixion. According to this belief, the cloth had to be two thousand years old. But carbon dating revealed that it dated back no further than the middle of the fourteenth century.
There are so many examples of this nature that it is not possible to deal with all of them. Suffice it to say that they are symbolic of how modern sciences, on the one hand, discredit ancient religions while, on the other hand, they strengthen the credibility of Islam.
Note: The following are personal musings and are perhaps biased and lacking in objectivity.
There is often great wisdom in comic strips. In 1976, Charles Schultz had Snoopy write a book on theology called: "Has it ever occurred to you that you might be wrong?" In 1980, he had Linus ask his Sunday School teacher the exact same question.  
Imagine the results if more people in the world realized the simple fact that there are over 11,000 religions in the world and that it is impossible with our present knowledge to find out which is the "true" one. An inevitable corollary to this belief would be that they would develop a degree of doubt that their religion is the only "true" one.  People might be less inclined to oppress, discriminate against, murder or commit mass murder and genocide against people of other faiths such as has happened in the human history and during the recent past in Northern Ireland, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Cyprus, Nigeria, Sudan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Indonesia, the U.S. etc.
Imaginethe results if more people accepted their religion as the best faith for them, but at the same time recognized that there are other religions which teach about other deities, other systems of morality, other religious practices, etc. Yet almost all of them motivate people to lead better lives. There might be fewer people willing to defend their particular religion by oppressing or killing followers of other religions and spiritual paths.
To conclude following verses from Qur’an are self explanatory, God says:
“By the soul and Him Who perfected it and inspired it with knowledge of what is wrong for it and what is right for it: indeed successful will be the one who keeps it pure, and indeed failure will be the one who corrupts it!”(Qur’an;91:7-10).
“It is He Who has brought you into being, gave you the faculties of hearing, seeing, feeling and understanding: yet you are seldom thankful.”(Qur’an;67:23).
“Therefore, stand firm in your devotion to the upright faith - the nature made by God, the one on which mankind is created - and the laws of Nature ordained by God cannot be changed. That is the standard of true faith, but most among mankind do not know.” (Qur’an;30:30).
 “In fact, your religion is one religion, and I am your only Lord: so fear Me Alone. Yet people have divided themselves into factions and each faction rejoices in its own doctrines-well! Leave them in their heedlessness for an appointed time”(Qur’an;23:52-54),
“There shall be no coercion in the matters of Faith. Distinct has now become the right way form error(Qur’an;2:256).
“He throws filth of disbelief on those who do not use their intellect” (Qur’an;10:100).
1.    David B. Barrett, et al., "World Christian Encyclopedia : A Comparative Survey of Churches and Religions in the Modern World," Oxford University Press, (2001).Read reviews or order this book
  1. Ibid, "Global survey of 270 religions and parareligions with over 500,000 adherents in AD 2000, listed alphabetically by name," Volume 2, Table 7-4, Page 5 to 7.
  2. "Other churches have defects, Catholics say." The Times News Service, London. 2000-SEP-5
  3. Joseph Cardinal Retzinger, "Dominus Iesus on the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the church," Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. See: http://www.vatican.va/ 
  4. In this essay, the author uses the term "God" to refer to whatever deity an individual believes in. In this context, God may be male or female or neither; single or multiple.
  5. "Sheikh Mohamed Mutwali al-Sharawi," at: http://almashriq.hiof.no/
  6. Islam: A General Introduction, translation of: “Ta’rif-e-Aam bi-Din il-Islam” By: Shaikh Ali Al-Tantawi.
  7. By Maulana Waheedudin Khan, Montlhy Tazkeer, April 2009.
Author of basic essay:
B.A. Robinson, http://www.religioustolerance.org
Modified by: Helious.P.Arius
4th April 2009
"Blessed are the peacemakers:
for they shall be called sons of God."
(Jesus Christ, Matthew;5:9)
“.. If you are come peaceably unto
me to help me, my heart shall be
knit unto you:...”(1Chronicles;12:17).
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